#!/usr/bin/php <?php /***************************************************************\ * /servers & /goto mod By: Durf * * http://durf.tk 0.durf.0@gmail.com * * Modified to be compatible with Light's list by Nelg * * https://armanelgtron.tk/ armanelgtron@gmail.com * * Notes: * * - set $server_name in script on line 14 * * - set custom access levels for the /set and /sendto commands * \***************************************************************/ /**///start servers & goto prep $server_name = "";//your SERVER_NAME from your cfg (this is optional / for a bug fix [could connect to the same server you were in]) $ACCESS_LEVEL_SENDTO = 5;//minimal access level required to use the /sendto and /deport command (moderators) if(!defined("STDERR")) define("STDERR",fopen("php://stderr","a")); function filterOutColorCodes($text_to_filter) { $filtered_text = preg_replace("/0x(\w){6}/i", "", $text_to_filter); return $filtered_text; } if(!function_exists("utf8_decode")) { if(function_exists("iconv")) { function utf8_decode($txt) { return iconv("UTF-8","ISO-8859-1",$txt); } } elseif(function_exists("mb_convert_encoding")) { function utf8_decode($txt) { return mb_convert_encoding($txt,"ISO-8859-1","UTF-8"); } } else { print("CONSOLE_MESSAGE WARNING: There is no method to convert from utf8. Text may look garbled on your terminal.\n"); function utf8_decode($txt) { fwrite(STDERR,"Warning: Can't convert from utf8.\n"); return $txt; } } } $utf8 = isset($argv[1])&&($argv[1]=="-utf8"); function handle_encoding($str) { global $utf8; if($utf8) { return $str; } return utf8_decode($str); } $lasttime=0; /**///end of servers & goto prep While(!feof(STDIN)) { $line = rtrim(fgets(STDIN)); $split = explode(" ",$line); if($split[0] == "INVALID_COMMAND" || $split[0] == "COMMAND") { //below are keyword / easy to use variables for all custom command use //cmd = the command they entered with slash; user = the player name or global ID; access = the user's current access level //below are custom parameter setup //$params[0] = first parameter; params[1] = second parameter for custom commands switch($split[0]) { case "INVALID_COMMAND": $cmd = $split[1]; $user = $split[2]; $access = $split[4]; $params = array(); $numparams = count($split); for ($var = 5; $var < $numparams; $var++) { array_push($params, $split[$var]); } break; case "COMMAND": //fix for 0.4 and* $cmd = $split[1]; $user = $split[2]; $params = array(); $numparams = count($split); for ($var = 3; $var < $numparams; $var++) { array_push($params, $split[$var]); } break; } //below is a bug fix for special cases if (preg_match("/^\d(\d)?$/", $user)) { $cmd = "NUMBERHACK"; } $user = str_replace("\"","\\\"",str_replace("'","\'",$user)); //if the username is made up of solely 1 or 2 numbers (such as 6 or 13), //force their custom command to be called number hack //this prevents people from executing script commands as a user ID that isn't theirs // /goto server name (which if it tried to send user "6" it would send the user with user ID 6 on the server, not the person who's name is "6") if($cmd == "/test") {//default custom command echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xccccccScript Working! 0x808080({$user})\"\n"; } /* servers & goto commands */ elseif($cmd == "/servers" || $cmd == "/srvrs" || $cmd == "/svrs" || $cmd == "/online" || $cmd == "/srvr" || $cmd == "/svr") { if(time() >= $lasttime+60) //don't refetch if you don't have to { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xccccccRetrieving populated servers...\"\n"; $servers = json_decode(file_get_contents("https://lightron.org/BrowserFeed"),true); } $serversmessage = "0xccccccActive servers:\\n"; if($servers) { foreach($servers as $p=>$server) { if($p == 0) { $num = $server["servers_active"]; $lasttime = $server["time"]; } elseif($server['num_players'] != "0") { $serversmessage .= handle_encoding($server['server_name'])." 0xffffff- "; if($server['num_players'] == $server['max_players']) { $serversmessage .= "(0xcc0000{$server['num_players']}0xffffff/0xdd4444{$server['max_players']}0xffffff)\\n"; } else { $serversmessage .= "(0x00cc00{$server['num_players']}0xffffff/0x44dd44{$server['max_players']}0xffffff)\\n"; } $playerslist=""; foreach($server['players'] as $player) { if(trim(filterOutColorCodes($player)) == null) //<-- should be fixed { $playerslist.="{specialchars}, "; } else { $playerslist.=handle_encoding($player).", "; } } $serversmessage = $serversmessage . "0x808080-> 0xffffff".preg_replace("/,\s$/", "", $playerslist)."\\n"; } } echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"".str_replace("\"","\\\"",$serversmessage)."0xffffff{$num} 0x808080servers listed.\"\n"; } else { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcc0000Could not retrieve listing at this time! 0x808080Try again later.\"\n"; } } elseif($cmd == "/goto" || $cmd == "/go2" || $cmd == "/go" || $cmd == "/leave") { if(!isset($params[0]) || $params[0] == "") { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcccc00No server specified! 0xcccccc/goto <search terms>\"\n"; } else { $searchterms = count($params); $search = ""; for($z = 0; $z < $searchterms; $z++) { $search = $search."(".$params[$z].").*"; } $search2 = preg_replace("/(\.\*)$/", "", $search); $num = 0; $gotoname = array();$found = array(); $info = array(); if(time() >= $lasttime+60) //don't refetch if you don't have to { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xccccccRetrieving populated servers...\"\n"; $servers = json_decode((file_get_contents("https://lightron.org/BrowserFeed")),true); } foreach ($servers as $server) { $cleanname = preg_replace('/0x\w{6}/', "", $server['server_name']); if (preg_match("/$search2/i", $cleanname)) { array_push($found, $server['host'].":".$server['port']." You are now being moved to ".$server['server_name']."0xffffff. Hit 0x00cc00ENTER 0xffffffto continue, or 0xcc0000ESC 0xffffffto cancel."); array_push($info, $server['server_name']." 0xffffff(".$server['num_players']."/".$server['max_players'].")"); array_push($gotoname, $server['server_name']); $num++; } } if($num > 1 && $num < 11) { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcccccc{$num} 0xcccc00matches found! Be more specific. Here's what you got:\"\n"; $numserversfound = count($info); for ($y = 0; $y < $numserversfound; $y++) { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"{$info[$y]}\"\n"; } } elseif($num > 10) { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcc0000Too many matches!\"\n"; }//too many matches elseif($num < 1) { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcc0000No servers found!\"\n"; }//no matches else { if(filterOutColorCodes($gotoname[0]) == $server_name) { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcccc00You are already on 0xffffff".$gotoname[0]."\"\n"; } else { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0x00cc00Found server! Moving you to 0xffffff".$gotoname[0]."\"\n"; usleep(500000); echo "MOVE_TO {$user} ".$found[0]."\n"; echo "CONSOLE_MESSAGE 0xffffff{$user} 0xccccccleft to go to 0xffffff{$gotoname[0]}\n"; } } }//end of has setting }//end of /goto elseif($cmd == "/gosee" || $cmd == "/goc" || $cmd == "/visit" || $cmd == "/friend") { if(!isset($params[0]) || $params[0] == "") { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcccc00No user specified! 0xcccccc/gosee <search terms>\"\n"; } else { $searchterms = count($params); $target = implode(" ", $params); $target_text = ""; $search = ""; for($z = 0; $z < $searchterms; $z++) { $search = $search."(".$params[$z].").*"; } $search2 = preg_replace("/(\.\*)$/", "", $search); $num = 0; $gotoname = array(); $found = array(); $info = array(); if(time() >= $lasttime+60) //don't refetch if you don't have to { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xccccccRetrieving populated servers...\"\n"; $servers = json_decode((file_get_contents("https://lightron.org/BrowserFeed")),true); } foreach($servers as $server) { $foundperson = false; foreach($server['players'] as $player) { $cleanname = $player; if(preg_match("/$search2/i", $cleanname)) { $foundperson = true; $target_text = $cleanname; } } if($foundperson === true) { array_push($found, $server['host'].":".$server['port']." You are now being moved to ".$server['server_name']."0xffffff. Hit 0x00cc00ENTER 0xffffffto continue, or 0xcc0000ESC 0xffffffto cancel."); array_push($info, $server['server_name']." 0xffffff(".$server['num_players']."/".$server['max_players'].")"); array_push($gotoname, $server['server_name']); $num++; } } if($num > 1 && $num < 11) { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcccccc{$num} 0xcccc00matches found for 0xffffff{$target}0xcccc00! Be more specific. Here's the servers:\"\n"; $numserversfound = count($info); for($y = 0; $y < $numserversfound; $y++) { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"{$info[$y]}\"\n"; } } elseif($num > 10) { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcc0000Too many matches for 0xffffff{$target}0xcc0000!\"\n"; }//no matches elseif($num < 1) { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcc0000No matches found! 0xccccccMaybe 0xffffff{$target} 0xccccccisn't online..\"\n"; }//no matches else { if(filterOutColorCodes($gotoname[0]) == $server_name) { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcccc00You are already on 0xffffff".$gotoname[0]." 0xcccc00with 0xffffff{$target}\"\n"; } else { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0x00cc00Found 0xffffff{$target}0x00cc00! Moving you to 0xffffff".$gotoname[0]." 0x00cc00to go see 0xffffff{$target}\"\n"; usleep(500000); echo "MOVE_TO {$user} ".$found[0]."\n"; echo "CONSOLE_MESSAGE 0xffffff{$user} 0xccccccwent to go see 0xffffff{$target_text} 0xccccccat 0xffffff{$gotoname[0]}\n"; } } }//end of has setting }//end of /gosee elseif ($cmd == "/sendto" || $cmd == "/send2" || $cmd == "/send") { if (((int) $split[4]) <= $ACCESS_LEVEL_SENDTO ) {//is admin(mod) or higher if (!isset($params[0]) || $params[0] == "") { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcccc00No user specified! 0xcccccc/sendto <user> <search terms>\"\n"; } else { $searchterms = count($split); $search = ""; for ($z = 6; $z < $searchterms; $z++) { $search = $search."(".$split[$z].").*"; } $search2 = preg_replace("/(\.\*)$/", "", $search); $num = 0; $gotoname = array(); $found = array(); $info = array(); if(time() >= $lasttime+60) //don't refetch if you don't have to { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xccccccRetrieving populated servers...\"\n"; $servers = json_decode((file_get_contents("https://lightron.org/BrowserFeed")),true); } foreach ($servers as $server) { $cleanname = preg_replace('/0x\w{6}/', "", $server['server_name']); if (preg_match("/$search2/i", $cleanname)) { array_push($found, $server['host'].":".$server['port']." You are now being moved to ".$server['server_name']."0xffffff. Hit 0x00cc00ENTER 0xffffffto continue, or 0xcc0000ESC 0xffffffto cancel."); array_push($info, $server['server_name']." 0xffffff(".$server['num_players']."/".$server['max_players'].")"); array_push($gotoname, $server['server_name']); $num++; } }//for servers if ($num > 1 && $num < 11) { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcccccc{$num} 0xcccc00matches found! Be more specific. Here's what you got:\"\n"; $numserversfound = count($info); for ($y = 0; $y < $numserversfound; $y++) { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"{$info[$y]}\"\n"; } } else if ($num > 10) { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcc0000Too many matches!\"\n"; }//no matches else if ($num < 1) { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcc0000No servers found!\"\n"; }//no matches else { if ( filterOutColorCodes($gotoname[0]) == $server_name ) { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcccc00Can't send to 0xffffff".$gotoname[0]."0xcccc00. Already there!\"\n"; } else { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0x00cc00Found server! Moving 0xffffff{$params[0]} 0x00cc00to 0xffffff".$gotoname[0]."\"\n"; usleep(500000); echo "MOVE_TO {$params[0]} ".$found[0]."\n"; echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"{$params[0]} was sent to {$gotoname[0]}0xffffff. If they are still here, it's because your attempt matched too many users, or none.\"\n"; } } } }//end of admin action else { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcc0000You're not authorized for that!\"\n"; } }//end of /sendto else if ($cmd == "/deport" || $cmd == "/dport" || $cmd == "/xport" || $cmd == "/export") { $target = $params[0]; if (((int) $split[4]) <= $ACCESS_LEVEL_SENDTO ) {//is admin(mod) or higher if (!isset($params[0]) || $params[0] == "") { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcccc00No user specified! 0xcccccc/deport <user> <search terms>\"\n"; } else { $searchterms = count($split); $search = ""; $search_text = ""; $target_text = ""; for ($z = 6; $z < $searchterms; $z++) { $search = $search."(".$split[$z].").*"; if ($search_text === "") { $search_text = $split[$z]; } else { $search_text = $search_text." ".$split[$z]; } } $search2 = preg_replace("/(\.\*)$/", "", $search); $num = 0; $gotoname = array(); $found = array(); $info = array(); if(time() >= $lasttime+60) //don't refetch if you don't have to { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xccccccRetrieving populated servers...\"\n"; $servers = json_decode((file_get_contents("https://lightron.org/BrowserFeed")),true); } foreach ($servers as $server) { $foundperson = false; foreach($server['players'] as $player) { $cleanname = $player; if (preg_match("/$search2/i", $cleanname)) { $foundperson = true; if ($target_text === "") { $target_text = $cleanname; } else { $target_text = $target_text.", ".$cleanname; } } } if ($foundperson === true) { array_push($found, $server['host'].":".$server['port']." You are now being moved to ".$server['server_name']."0xffffff. Hit 0x00cc00ENTER 0xffffffto continue, or 0xcc0000ESC 0xffffffto cancel."); array_push($info, $server['server_name']." 0xffffff(".$server['num_players']."/".$server['max_players'].") matches: {$target_text}"); array_push($gotoname, $server['server_name']); $num++; } }//for servers if ($num > 1 && $num < 11) { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcccccc{$num} 0xcccc00matches found for 0xffffff{$search_text}0xcccc00! Be more specific. Here's the servers:\"\n"; $numserversfound = count($info); for ($y = 0; $y < $numserversfound; $y++) { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"{$info[$y]}\"\n"; } } else if ($num > 10) { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcc0000Too many matches for 0xffffff{$search_text}0xcc0000!\"\n"; echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xccccccYou matched: 0xffffff{$target_text}\"\n"; }//no matches else if ($num < 1) { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcc0000No matches found! 0xccccccMaybe 0xffffff{$search_text} 0xccccccisn't online..\"\n"; }//no matches else { if ( filterOutColorCodes($gotoname[0]) == $server_name ) { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcccc00You are already on 0xffffff".$gotoname[0]." 0xcccc00with 0xffffff{$target_text}\"\n"; } else { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0x00cc00Found 0xffffff{$target_text}0x00cc00! Moving you to 0xffffff".$gotoname[0]." 0x00cc00to go see 0xffffff{$target}\"\n"; usleep(500000); echo "MOVE_TO {$user} ".$found[0]."\n"; echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE \"0xccccccSending 0xffffff{$target} 0xccccccto go see 0xffffff{$target_text} 0xccccccat 0xffffff{$gotoname[0]}\"\n"; } } } }//end of admin action else { echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcc0000You're not authorized for that!\"\n"; } }//end of /deport /* end of servers & goto */ elseif($cmd == "NUMBERHACK") {//consequence for having a 1 or 2 digit name and using a custom command echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"0xcc0000You are not permitted to use script commands until you 0xccccccchange your name0xcc0000.\"\n"; } else {//non-specific custom command attempt (default fall-back) echo "PLAYER_MESSAGE {$user} \"Unknown chat command \\\"{$cmd}\\\".\"\n"; } } } ?>